Curious Expedition Wiki
Curious Expedition Wiki

Gun Expert is an explorer perk that increases the player's gun damage by 2. This applies to any/all guns, and with any/all gun attacks in combat.

This perk is a random reward option upon completing an expedition.


  • Multiple guns can be acquired and used with this perk in combat. This is an excellent strategy if you want to hunt some of the game's more dangerous targets, such as the Giant Crab.
  • Obtaining the Black Market perk - and encountering Caravans and Slaver Camp whenever possible - compliment this perk nicely, as these are good sources for high-power guns.
Explorers General AdeptAnthropologyArctic ExplorerBlack MarketBullet HoarderCareeristCartographerCharismaticClimberDesert ExplorerEagle EyeExplosion ExpertFresh Air FanaticGood ReputationGun ExpertHeavy CarrierImpetusJungle ExplorerLone SurvivorMagician (RIVALS only) • NavigatorPolyglotPolymathProtectorRuffianStrong MindWaterproof
Exclusive Animal WhispererAuthoritive LeaderButterfly EnthusiastCosmic IndifferentDesert ExpertDream VisionsGeographyHealerOccult VisionPacifistPreacherTactical Mastery
Companions General Animal CapacityArtist (Perk)ClimberCoca ExpertCombat SpiritCulinary FinesseDesert ExpertExtra CapacityExtra CharacterFast MountFlare UsageGood ReputationHaggleIndigenous DiplomacyJournalistMedium MountMushroom RecipesPathfinder (RIVALS only) • Research Assistance (RIVALS only) • ScoutingSlow MountSparkling PersonalitySpiritual SolidarityStealthStrong MindWaterproofWhisky Expert
Blessings ClawsHoly MarkingInhuman StrengthLeatherskinPure MindRegeneration
Temporary General ???Feeling StrongElevated Mood