Curious Expedition Wiki
Curious Expedition Wiki

Cosmic Indifferentism is an explorer perk exclusive to H. P. Lovecraft. It grants him custom benefits when using the Necronomicon, but also lowers his max Sanity by 30.

Lovecraft's possible results from using the book are:

  • nothing happens (~30% chance)
  • generates 1-3 tome pages (~60% chance)
  • generates a portal 2 hexes from the current position (<10% chance)
  • bursts into flame, destroying itself and setting fire to adjacent hexes (100% chance if the player's sanity will drop below 0 upon using it)

It only costs Lovecraft 35 Sanity per use of the book.


  • The Necronomicon benefits of this perk make the book much more predictable, and therefore more usable in the development of a successful strategy in beating the game.
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